Introduction to dplyr and tidyr: Part 1

Dennis Murphy
October 7, 2014

In the beginning of Hadleyverse...

…there was ggplot, plyr and reshape.

  • ggplot evolved into ggplot2,
  • reshape evolved into reshape2.

In 2014,

  • ggplot2 development has moved to ggvis,
  • plyr has been partially superseded by dplyr,
  • reshape2 has been partially superseded by tidyr.

Tonight's goals:

To introduce you to:

  • the basics of dplyr;
  • the data pipeline operator %>%;
  • the primary functions in the tidyr package.

What is dplyr?

  • A data munging package to perform groupwise data processing.
  • A much faster (partial) successor to the plyr package, competitive to data.table in speed.
  • Uses a mix of R and C++ code (through the Rcpp package).
  • Applies a new approach to programming in R.
  • Allows direct connections to databases.
  • Allows hybrid evaluation (a mix of R code with code from another language).
  • SE versions of NSE functions (new in version 0.3)

We will not cover the last three in this talk.


The core principle of plyr and dplyr is the “split-apply-combine” approach to data analysis:

  • split the data into subsets designated by group membership;
  • apply a function to each data split;
  • combine the results into a new data object.

Basically, it's divide-and-conquer applied to data analysis.

The examples will illustrate this as we proceed.

Data objects in dplyr

Unlike plyr, dplyr only accepts a limited set of input data objects:

  • data frames;
  • data tables (from the data.table package);
  • SQL tables
  • data cubes (experimental).

The tbl_*() functions convert an object of one of the above forms to a tbl object to which the “verb” functions in dplyr can be applied.

Basic example


DF <- data.frame(g = gl(3, 4), 
                 labels = LETTERS[1:3],
                 y = rnorm(12))
DT <- data.table(DF, key = "g")
u1 <- tbl_df(DF)    # data frame -> tbl
u2 <- tbl_dt(DT)    # data table -> tbl
str(u1)             # note the classes 
Classes 'tbl_df', 'tbl' and 'data.frame':   12 obs. of  3 variables:
 $ g     : Factor w/ 3 levels "1","2","3": 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 ...
 $ labels: Factor w/ 3 levels "A","B","C": 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 ...
 $ y     : num  0.593 1.121 0.561 1.843 0.954 ...

Data pipeline operator %>%

The author of the magrittr package, Stefan Bache, introduced a data pipeline operator %>% which is used extensively by the dplyr and ggvis packages. The idea is that

x %>% f(...)   <=>  f(x, ...)
  • x is an input data object;
  • f() is a function that takes x as its first argument, with others specified in the call to f().

One creates a data pipeline by starting with a data object, applying a function that returns a data object, applying another function that returns a data object, etc.

Single-table verbs

  • arrange(): sorts a tbl by one or more variables
  • count(): computes frequencies by one or more grouping variables (new in version 0.3)
  • filter(): subsets rows of a tbl according to a logical expression
  • mutate(): transforms/creates \( >= 1 \) variables in a tbl
  • select(): selects a subset of variables from a tbl
  • summarise(): provides a one-number summary of a variable in a tbl.

The arrange(), count(), mutate() and summarise() functions are rewrites of functions of the same name in the plyr package.


group_by() performs the “split” task in the “split-apply-combine” approach within dplyr. Its arguments are the variables by which to group the tbl object, separated by commas. The order in which they appear can matter, depending on context.

By contrast, one-table verbs often perform the “apply” task, although other functions can be used for this purpose as well.

Two-table verbs

Two-table verbs refer to functions that perform some type of merge (or join) operation. A limited number of joins are supported, each of which take two tbl objects as its first two arguments:

  • inner_join(A, B): returns rows common to A and B;
  • left_join(A, B): all of A and matching rows of B;
  • semi_join(A, B): include rows of A that match B;
  • anti_join(A, B): the complement of semi_join(A, B).

The third argument of *_join() allows specification of the variables by which to merge the two tbl objects. By default, the join is performed on all variables common to the two input tbl objects.

do() function

The do() function allows one to apply a general R function to each group of a tbl object. A few simple examples:

# Example 1:
u1 %>% group_by(g) %>% do(head(., 2))
Source: local data frame [6 x 3]
Groups: g

  g labels       y
1 1      A  0.5925
2 1      B  1.1213
3 2      B  0.9542
4 2      C  0.1922
5 3      C -0.1959
6 3      A  0.2597
# Example 2:
u1 %>% group_by(g) %>% do(data.frame(z = .$y[1]))
Source: local data frame [3 x 2]
Groups: g

  g       z
1 1  0.5925
2 2  0.9542
3 3 -0.1959

The symbol . substitutes for the current sub-tbl being processed, similar to the .SD() idiom in data.table.

tidyr package

Complements the dplyr package by supplying functions analogous to the primary functions in the reshape2 package:

  • gather(): a replacement for reshape2::melt()
  • spread(): a replacement for reshape2::cast()
  • separate(): a rewrite of reshape2::colsplit().

tidyr (cont.)

gather() stacks multiple columns into two: (a) the names of the variables as levels of a factor variable; (b) the corresponding values.

spread() unstacks two variables (one a factor and the other a vector of values) into multiple columns whose names are the factor levels.

separate() splits a name into pieces, each of which is assigned a new variable name.